Easydry Case Study with Errol Douglas MBE

Easydry Case Study with Errol Douglas MBE
Easydry loves to share case studies featuring salons that we love. One of these is the Errol Douglas salon and the industry legend Errol Douglas MBE. Errol met Easydry CEO Anne Butterly a few years ago and has been a strong advocate for our sustainable products since then. Errol strongly feels that salons should be able to take care of any hair type. Luckily, Easydry is perfect for all hair types, especially fragile hair which makes us a perfect fit. We are delighted to share with you this Easydry Case Study with Errol Douglas MBE.
Errol Douglas MBE
Errol Douglas is a legend in the hair industry and he was awarded his MBE for education and services to the hairdressing industry. He is a regular contributor to live shows and seminars globally. As he says:
“I am very proud that in the salon we can look after anyone, every hair type. London is an amazing place, it’s amazing because of its people. To me it is essential that our salon has the ability to take care of European, Afro, Middle Eastern and Asian hair, in fact any hair type.
It makes me proud to know that this is what sets us apart from other salons; our commitment to technical excellence in all hair types. To some this might be the new way of hairdressing, but to us – it’s just the way it’s always been, it’s the only way it could be.”
Introduction to the Errol Douglas Salon
In the age of blow-dry bars and cutting by numbers, Errol Douglas stands apart, bringing back the craftsmanship and individuality of traditional hairdressing. Global yet local, no hair type is beyond them. The salon is a sanctuary for all who walk through our doors. They love the ability they have to affect positive emotional change through hair, with personalised touches directed at nurturing and enhancing clients well-being.
Their team of highly skilled and passionate artisans intuitively decode and interpret clients needs, providing an experience which combines techniques that are at the forefront of contemporary hairdressing.
- To view the Easydry video with Errol Douglas on our You Tube Channel, click HERE.
Why did you make the easy switch to Easydry?
Easydry are cost effective for me because I don’t have to worry about big laundry bills, I don’t have to worry about re-ordering bulky towels, and from my point of view, I think it’s saved us just over a third in what we were spending before.
We are in Knightsbridge, it’s a very premium spot to be in and it’s very expensive. So I can’t have lots of machines taking up valuable space. So from that point of view, Easydry are easy to store. It’s disposable, it’s biodegradable, and it’s hygienic.
To me, it’s great if everybody gets on board it would be a good thing! This is the way forward!
Which Easydry products do you use?
The Easydry Shoulder Capes for me are phenomenal. Only because colourists can be quite messy. These capes are super absorbent and protect clients clothing. What I also love about this is that people see you’re using new capes and towels at each visit. It’s not the same old towel and it’s not the same old synthetic cape. So I love it.
With Easydry Towels and Shoulder capes, what I love about them, is that they are bespoke. A client likes to know they’ve got something new.
What benefits have you seen?
- Obviously the Easydry towels are hygienic, they soak up a lot of the moisture or water in the hair.
- They save on valuable space in the salon.
- From our point of view of spending lots of money on laundry, it saves us a huge bill. So that to me is the icing on the cake.
- The performance of Easydry towels is great for me because it is absorbent. It’s more absorbent than cotton.
What do your clients think?
We have clients who need to know that we use hygienic products. With Easydry, they can see that we are taking something that is new, they can see it is bespoke, and I think that’s really important.
What do your team think?
What I like about it, is the ethos of trying to understand and get the point over to staff. This should be easy. It should be cost-effective and it’s making them understand that if we use it in the right way, we can do more clients.
It takes our assistants away from the back of the salon, so using Easydry is a very effective way to keep the staff on the floor, focussed on clients. Because all they have to do is reach into a cupboard and not go to a laundry room.
As Errol says, “I’ve just been told there’s over 43 million towels washed per year and that’s just in the UK. That is incredible! It’s archaic! It’s old fashioned. We need to move forward, Easydry is the way forward!”
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